Your customers rely on #firewalls, #VPNs, and other tools to protect their systems, but they often remain vulnerable due to constant #connectivity. That’s where Goldilock #FireBreak comes in.
#Firewalls and #VPNs protect active connections, but #FireBreak disconnects #IP communication entirely when it’s not needed, reducing exposure to cyber threats.
#FireBreak allows remote control without exposure, ensuring communication can be managed without introducing risk.
It’s simple to add, easy to use, and fits seamlessly into any existing security infrastructure. NAPERTO is looking for partners across #Europe, including #Turkey, to deliver this essential security layer to more businesses.
Interested in offering this missing piece of the puzzle? Partner with NAPERTO and add Goldilock #FireBreak to your portfolio today.
Reach out for partnership opportunities.
#Cybersecurity #AirGap #GoldilockFireBreak #NAPERTO #ChannelPartners #Resellers #SystemIntegrators #CybersecurityExperts #CompleteYourSecurityStack #EuropeIncludingTurkey